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Simple Ways to Prevent Black Mold Exposure in Your Home

If the black mold infestation covers 10 or more square feet, a professional should handle the removal. Removing large mold colonies requires exposure to heavy-duty chemicals and permits for the proper disposal of infected building materials.

Written by Mary Marlowe Leverette – The Pruce

Without mold spores, we would not have penicillin, Roquefort cheese, and leaf mold-enhanced soil that benefits gardeners and farmers. However, there are some very dangerous molds—like black mold—that invade our homes and workspaces and can cause a number of health issues.

Once black mold has taken hold in a home, it must be eradicated. And, using extreme caution and protective gear, you can remove small areas yourself. However, because it grows so quickly, black mold usually requires a licensed professional to safely remove it from a home.

How to Manage Black Mold Exposure

If you have discovered black mold in your home, there are steps you can take to help limit your exposure until the colony is cleaned away.

  1. Stop the Moisture Source

    If the mold is growing near a persistently leaky sink, tub, or toilet, turn off the water or repair the leak. Cover roof or window leaks with a plastic tarp until they can be repaired.

  2. Seal off the Infested Area

    If possible, seal off the portion of the house that has black mold by taping plastic sheeting over the doors. If the leak has been repaired and the area is dry, lightly spray the mold with water to prevent the spores from becoming airborne.

    some molds can release mycotoxins
  3. Wear a Mask

    When entering areas with black mold, wear a mask that is rated to prevent the inhalation of mold spores and disposable protective gear or clothes that can be washed in hot water.

  4. Clean Safely

    If you are cleaning the mold-infested area yourself, use the chemicals properly and clean surrounding to prevent spread.

  5. Dispose of Cleaning Materials Properly

    Place cleaning supplies, disposable protective gear, and plastic sheeting in a sealed heavy-duty plastic bag so that the spores will not travel to other areas.

How to Prevent Black Mold Growth

Since mold spores are everywhere, even in dry climates, it is possible for a colony of black mold or other toxic molds to form in your home. However, there are steps you can take to help prevent the growth of any type of unwanted mold.

  1. Control Humidity Levels

    Mold needs moisture for growth. To prevent this, ensure the humidity level in your home never rises above 60 percent.

  2. Repair Leaks

    Just a small leak can cause wood, drywall, grout, and other porous surfaces to become a welcome spot for mold growth. Promptly fix leaky pipes, fixtures, windows, and roofs.

    Rubber glove hand cleaning wall 732x549 thumbnail

  3. Keep Fabrics and Surfaces Dry

    Never leave wet coats, shoes, or towels in a heap. It takes only two days for mold to take hold, begin to grow, and smell musty. Hang your wet items so they dry more quickly.

    Be sure to dry shower stalls and tubs with a squeegee after every use. Save wet jobs like mopping floors, steam cleaning fabrics, or power-washing surfaces for a warm, breezy day so the surfaces dry quickly.

  4. Improve Ventilation in Your Home

    Make sure you are using bathroom and kitchen fans when cooking to remove steam and speed drying. The addition of ceiling fans and circulating fans are a great help when the humidity is high. Open doors and windows on dry, breezy days.


Be sure to also open small spaces like closets often so that moisture can escape, and make sure your HVAC vents are not blocked by furniture.




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