Thanat Thangtewanon said just seconds after he sat on the toilet he felt a sharp pain rip through his testicles.
Shockingly, it was a huge python hiding in his home toilet that bit him.
I mean, just reading that makes me queasy.

Speaking of the moment he realized something was seriously wrong, Thanat said: „I felt something biting my balls. It was very painful, so I put my hands in the toilet to see what was wrong. I was shocked that I grabbed a snake.
„I quickly stood up and plucked it out. I felt pain, really bad pain, and there was blood everywhere, but I was more shocked to have found a python in the toilet.”
Look away if you’re squeamish…

New fear unlocked (Jam press)
Thanat immediately grabbed a toilet brush and began whacking the 12-ft snake as hard as he could.
The snake’s grip on the man’s testicles quickly loosened before it died.
Thanat was immediately rushed to hospital following the nightmare-inducing incident to get a tetanus vaccine.
After seeing the pictures from the bedroom and the amount of blood on show, you’d think Thanat injuries would be pretty serious.
However, the damage was not bad as first feared.

The man was bitten on the balls by a python. (Jam Press)
Doctors ultimately told him he would need stitches and that would heal in a matter of weeks.
„My testicles are safe now. I’m lucky it wasn’t a venomous snake. A cobra would have killed me,” he added.
„But I haven’t used that toilet again since. Every time I go, I check what’s inside and put a brush in there to make sure.”
The snake, known as the reticulated python, is found throughout Thailand and Southeast Asia.
The species typically resides in forests, swamps and canals – though they can also be found in big cities.
As a result, they can come into contact with the general public as Thanat knowns all too well.
Surprisingly, pythons attacking people while they are on the toilet has happened several times before.
Back in 2016, Attaporn Boonmakchuay had his wife prise a python’s mouth from his penis after an unexpected toilet trip.
Attaporn passed out due to excessive blood loss, but thankfully survived after being treated in hospital.