Love and Relationships

A Woman Decided to Test Her Future Daughter-in-Law, but She Chose the Wrong Person to Mess With

The woman in question had been dating her boyfriend for 3 years, and they’d finally decided to get married. At a family dinner, they mentioned this to his family, as it was a big step in their relationship. His parents and brothers expressed their happiness for the couple.

And then, out of nowhere, her boyfriend’s youngest sister-in-law asked, “So is she going to take the test?” It turned out that the family of her husband-to-be had a peculiar family tradition, which came as a big and unpleasant surprise to the woman.

This is how the heroine of the story described this test: “In summary, my boyfriend’s family has this tradition where the future mother-in-law tests future daughters-in-law to see if they are good enough for her sons. Apparently, his mother and aunts went through the same test. The tests include how clean they can keep a home, how well they can cook, their manners, etc.”


© Timur Weber / Pexels

The existence of this tradition revealed some other interesting angles. For example, the mother-in-law was convinced that a good wife should be a homemaker (like herself and her 3 daughters-in-law), because a career woman couldn’t be a worthy spouse for her son. And the author of the story loves her work, hates house chores, and has no intention of changing her priorities in order to please her future in-laws.

The boyfriend, however, is sure that there is nothing wrong with this tradition and that she’s just escalating the conflict. Instead, she should have just taken this test because he thinks it’s a fun tradition. But the heroine of the story doesn’t think so and decided to ask for advice online, “Am I right in refusing to take this test?” And she received more than 3,500 comments on her post.
Source: brightside

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