The nest, 3ft wide x 1.5ft deep, was still expanding and the insects had chewed through the mattress and pillows to build it.
When pest controller John Birkett was called to the scene he realised it had been growing for several months. When her son opened the door and discovered the nest in the single bed he realised a window had been left open the whole time.
“In 45 years I have never seen anything like it. There must have been 5,000 wasps.” It’s amazing that the woman didn’t imagine that she was living with them.
“I got dressed up like a spaceman and tried to destr:o:y as many as I could with the workers flying around the room. In that nest there must have been up to 700 queen wasps.”

He said the only nest he had previously found in a room was about the size of a tennis ball.
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