Life Hacks

A Simple Test To Determine If Your Eggs Are Still Good To Eat

How many times have you cracked an egg into a bowl of other ingredients, only to question whether the egg has gone bad or not? Unfortunately, eggs are not the easiest ingredient to determine the freshness of as the protective opaque shell hides the condition of the white and yolk.

how to tell if an egg is rotten quickly 13129 0 600

Luckily, there is a simple test to determine if your eggs are still good to eat. It’s called the “Float Test” and all you need is a bowl of cold water. Place the egg in question into the bowl of cold water and observe one of the following:


• The egg sinks and lays flat on the bottom of the bowl.

This means your egg is fresh and good to eat!

• The egg sinks but stands on end.

This means the egg is not very fresh, but is still perfectly fine to eat.

• The egg floats.

THE EGG IS BAD so throw it away

The Float Test to tell if a chicken egg is bad

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The reason why the float test works is because as an egg gets old, air starts to enter through the porous shell. If enough air gets in, it will create buoyancy, causing the egg to float. It also promotes bacterial growth in the egg, causing it to become rotten.


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