Should you pick “straight shrimp” or “curved shrimp” when you go to the market? Few people are aware of the significant difference. Purchasing frozen shrimp is a simple option if you are unsure about what to choose. In addition to having low-quality meat, this kind of shrimp smells strongly like fish. No matter how you prepare it, the flavor is mediocre and the quality cannot be assured!
Curved shrimp should be our top priority while selecting shrimp at the store or outdoor market. This is because dead shrimp have very loose bodies that maintain their shape no matter how much you twist them.
On the other hand, low temperatures naturally cause fresh shrimp to bend. They will therefore keep their bent shape whether refrigerated or freshened.
To avoid purchasing shrimp that have been kept in storage for an extended period of time, you should consider the following two factors in addition to their curvature before purchasing them.
Type 1: Shrimp with missing heads and tails
The shrimp has likely been stored for too long if you find that it has lost its head or tail.
This kind of shrimp is not a suitable choice if the head begins to decay and get squishy. It will taste fishy and lose its freshness after cooking.
Type 2: Pink Shrimp Shell
When subjected to high temperatures while being transported, some shrimp shells may turn pink. This typically indicates that they have aged, and this kind will not hold its flavor well. Purchasing shrimp with clean shells and no obvious discolouration should be your top priority.