
I Saw An Adult Woman With Multiple Piercings And Tattoos In Church, And I Felt Uncomfortable

Am I Wrong To Think There Should Be Standards?

Last Sunday, I saw something in church that really unsettled me. A woman, probably in her 40s, walked in covered in tattoos and numerous piercings. To me, church has always been a place of modesty and reverence, and I couldn’t help but feel like her appearance was out of place in such a sacred space. I know everyone is different, but it just felt wrong to me. Shouldn’t there be some standards for how we present ourselves in a place of worship?

I Saw An Adult Woman With Multiple Piercings And Tattoos In Church
Image for illustrative purposes only

After the service, I saw her outside and decided to approach her. I tried to be polite, but I told her that I felt her look wasn’t really appropriate for church and maybe she should consider toning it down in such a setting. She looked at me like I was crazy and sharply replied, “It’s none of your business how I look.” Her reaction shocked me, and I was left feeling even more confused.

Am I being too old-fashioned here? I just think that in church, a certain level of respect and modesty should be expected. Has anyone else experienced something like this? How did you handle it?

I saw an adult woman with multiple piercings and tattoos in church, and i felt uncomfortable. Am I being too old-fashioned here? I just think that in church, a certain level of respect and modesty should be expected.

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