
Most people get this wrong, but why do some homes have diagonal windows?

In the world of architecture, there exist many secrets hidden in plain sight. Among these enigmatic features, one that often goes unnoticed by the average observer is the diagonal window. Surprisingly, most people are unaware of what diagonal windows, also known as “witch windows,” are, let alone their fascinating history and purpose.

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In this article, we’ll delve into the mysterious world of witch windows, shedding light on their origins, unique characteristics, and the reasons behind their presence in various architectural designs. So, if you’ve ever wondered about those intriguing diagonal windows, read on to uncover the secrets that lie behind this captivating architectural marvel.

The Origins of Witch Windows

Witch Windows, also referred to as “Coffin Windows” or “Vermont Windows,” have their origins deeply rooted in folklore and superstition, particularly in the New England region of the United States. The name “Witch Window” is associated with a local legend that claims these windows were designed to thwart witches and their broomsticks.

According to the legend, witches were believed to be unable to fly their broomsticks through diagonal openings, leading homeowners in Vermont to construct these uniquely shaped windows to prevent witches from entering their homes. While this explanation might sound fanciful, the true origin of Witch Windows is less mystical.

The Practical Reasons Behind Witch Windows

Space Efficiency:

Witch Windows were primarily designed to make the most of limited space in the upper floors of Vermont homes.
By installing windows diagonally, builders could accommodate eaves and sloped roofs while still allowing for proper ventilation and natural light.

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These windows were especially prevalent in farmhouses and rural homes, where practicality and efficiency were essential.
The diagonal orientation allowed for easier placement of furniture against the walls and improved airflow.

The Rise of Witch Windows as a Trend

Witch Windows were not limited to Vermont and became a regional architectural trend in parts of New England.

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