
A young inexperience couple

A young inexperience couple on their wedding night NSFW

They have never been intimate and they begin to undress and see each other naked for the

first time. The husband takes off his socks and his toes are contorted and bizarre looking. “Whoa!”

she says, “what’s up with your toes???”

“I had a childhood disease that left them like this,” he replies, “Tolio”

 “Don’t you mean Polio?”

“Polio? no, Tolio, hence my toes”

“Oh, ok” she relents, and they continue to undress.

When he takes off his pants, his knees are contorted and bizarre as well. “Whoa!” she exclaims,

“what’s up with your knees?”


“I had a childhood disease that left them like this,

” he replies, “The Kneesels.”

 “Don’t you mean the Measels?” she asks.

“No,” he says, “The Kneesels, hence my knees.”

“Oh, ok” she relents. He begins to take down his underwear and his wife says, “Wait wait wait….don’t tell me….it was Small Cox!”

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