Moral Story

Ways BFF Relationships Have Changed From The ’90s Versus Today…

The person you’d have late-night phone calls with, gossip about how strict your parents were, and coordinate outfits with.

While a lot has changed when you think about best friends in the ’90s versus today, the fundamentals remain the same: you still spend late nights on the phone with your BFF, still gossip, and still coordinate outfits but pretend it was an accident.

1976 photo

Really, things aren’t all that different after all. We’re just older and drink more wine.

Best friends are like the siblings we never had, or maybe we did have siblings but didn’t like them much.

While your siblings stole your favorite toys and ran around outside with your training bra on their head (cough happened to a friend…), your best friend was the one you’d make prank calls with and the shoulder to cry on when you saw your crush holding hands with someone else on the playground.

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