Health and Fitness

6 Things You Shouldn’t Do In Bed to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep, being a fundamental bodily function, might seem like it should come effortlessly. However, for numerous individuals across the nation, achieving a restful night’s sleep quality remains a daily struggle.

The reasons for waking up in the middle of the night are multifaceted, encompassing factors ranging from health to environmental conditions. Insomnia, a complex subject with myriad possible explanations, affects millions of people. Various approaches, from serene yoga routines to potent medications, constitute a thriving industry devoted to enhancing sleep quality. While advice on what to do abounds, insights into activities to avoid are often overlooked. In this comprehensive guide, we present a detailed list of tempting actions one should refrain from if confronted with nocturnal awakenings.

Why Am I Continuously Waking Up At Night and How Can I Improve My Sleep Quality?

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Insomnia, or difficulty sleeping, afflicts many individuals at some point in their lives. For some, the struggle lies in initiating sleep, while others grapple with maintaining it. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, you fall into the latter category, and several explanations may underlie this phenomenon. Factors such as stress, anxiety, hormonal shifts, or environmental disturbances like a snoring partner or noisy neighbors can contribute to nocturnal awakenings. However, experiencing disruptions in the middle of the night need not necessarily deprive you of a full eight hours of sleep. To address this issue, it’s crucial to understand which actions to avoid to facilitate a return to slumber.

Don’t Check Your Clock

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Avoid the temptation to check the clock, especially one with a bright digital display. The distraction and stress induced by knowing the time can hinder the process of falling back asleep. Resist the urge to calculate how many hours remain until waking up.

Don’t Sit Up

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When awakening during a dream, resist the urge to sit up. Remaining reclined is more conducive to preserving your sleep cycle. Sitting up induces a minor motion that elevates your heart rate, disrupting the slow heartbeat characteristic of sleep. This increased alertness impedes the ease of falling back asleep.

Don’t Check Your Phone

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Credit: Shutterstock

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