
20 tricky riddles that are sure to stump you!

Tricky riddles are fun for the whole family. While most of us remain glued to our phone screens nowadays, it might be a good idea to come out of that shell and actually try something stimulating. Who knows- we may even get something positive out of it. So, here are 20 of the trickiest riddles from around the web that could make you think. Do you believe you are capable of solving them? Let’s see!

1. The Cement Room

Riddle: If you are stuck in a cement room with no means of escape, except a table and a mirror, how will you escape?

Answer: You look in the mirror and see what you saw, take the saw, and cut the table in half. Two halves make a hole- jump through the hole and you’re out.”

2. A Tricky Riddle For The Tricky People

Riddle: What can you sleep on, sit on, and even brush your teeth with?

Answer: Well, it is just a bed, a chair, and a toothbrush, isn’t it?

3. A War of the Words

Riddle: What always has four letters, sometimes has nine letters, but never has five letters?

Answer: If you look carefully, this riddle is an observation, rather than a question. Hence, it has no answer.

4. Eternal Beginnings

Riddle: I am the beginning of eternity and the end of time and space. The start of every end and the end of every place. What am I?”

Answer: This is quite simple- for it is the letter E.

5. Breakfast at Riddles

Riddle: “It’s 7 am. You are asleep and there is a sudden knock on the door. Behind the door are your parents, who came to have breakfast. In your fridge: bread, milk, juice, and a jar of jam. To answer, what will you open first?”

Answer: Since you are still asleep- you will be opening your eyes first.

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