Life Hacks

18 Ingenious Tricks to Help Keep Fruits and Vegetables Fresh

Have you ever looked in the refrigerator or the cupboard and been confronted with fruits and vegetables that are no longer fresh, or are even no longer edible at all? We all make this mistake, and it doesn’t bear thinking about how often it happens and how much money we waste on food which we ultimately throw in the trash.

But there are plenty of ways you can avoid this situation.

We have found some of the very best tricks you can use to keep fruits and vegetables fresh.

Don’t wash anything before storing it


It may sound strange, but it’s actually better not to wash fruits and vegetables before storing them in the refrigerator or cupboard. If something is dirty, just wipe it clean with a dry cloth or tissue. Washing it can remove its natural defense against getting moldy and rotting.

Fruits and vegetables prefer a dry environment

Moisture only encourages something to get moldy. A good trick to counteract this is to place a paper towel inside the container holding the fruits or vegetables — it will absorb excess moisture and prevent the product from rotting.

How to store avocados correctly

An unripened avocado should be placed in a thick paper bag or wrapped in newspaper and kept at room temperature until it’s ripe. After this point, place it in a plastic bag and keep it in the refrigerator.

Don’t place certain kinds of fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator

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