If we can notice and take these warning signals seriously, we can safeguard our health and avoid consequences. Whether it’s a common weariness or a yearning for a certain cuisine, we should constantly listen to our bodies and take the appropriate steps to treat any issues.
Experts list some of the most common signs that something isn’t right with our health.
1. Legs that feel like they are crawling
Restless leg syndrome is a medical condition that makes you feel as if something is creeping on your legs. It can be a sign of an underlying issue.

2. Skin thickening
Skin thickening can be caused from a hormone imbalance, eczema, or allergies. Consulting a doctor is an important to understand and address this problem properly.
3. Sleeping too much
Hypersomnia, characterized by excessive sleeping, can be caused by various autoimmune disorders. Excessive sleepiness at any time and place should be discussed with a healthcare professional.
4. A change in handwriting and loss of smell
Changes in movement, speech, and writing can be indicative of Parkinson’s disease. Loss of smell can also be an early sign of this condition.

5. Changes in eye color
A white or grey ring around the cornea of the eyes can indicate excessive cholesterol, particularly if you are under 45 years old. High cholesterol levels can contribute to cardiovascular problems.
6. Aggressive behavior
Unexplained aggressive behavior may indicate depression, which doesn’t always manifest as sadness. Mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being.
7. Craving only salty food
Constantly craving salty foods could be a sign of iron deficiency, anemia, dehydration, or premenstrual syndrome. Proper evaluation by medical specialists is necessary.
8. Fatigue and a low libido
Persistent fatigue and a diminished libido might be indicative of a thyroid hormone problem, which can have a significant impact on energy levels and overall health.
9. Feeling thirsty all the time

Excessive thirst may result from various factors, including the consumption of salty foods. However, it can also be a symptom of conditions like diabetes or pregnancy, so it’s essential to rule out these possibilities.
10. The need to chew ice
If you find yourself constantly craving ice, it could signal an iron deficiency or anemia. Blood tests are necessary to confirm and address this issue.