Life Style

10+ Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Mice Fast From Home

Before you are tempted to pull in a treacherous mouse trap and tear it to pieces, read this article! Mice may not be your best friends, but there are non-violent methods to drive them out of your house. They are wonderful alternatives to rat poison or chemicals, which may end up harming your own children. We recommend trying these fool-proof natural remedies to get rid of them!

1. Mashed Potatoes

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If you are wondering how to get rid of mice in your house using a natural ingredient, try Potato! Starchy potatoes taste very delicious and are an important ingredient of meals, but mashed potatoes are very dangerous for these rodents. As the flakes of potatoes get expanded in their stomach and do not get digested and kill them, making you rid of them. So sprinkle two or three tablespoons on the surface where you suspect mice to arrive and see the miracle happening. Just for safety see the children or pets do not eat those scattered ones.

2. Magical Cloves

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Cloves is an essential spice in Asian cuisine as it enhances the taste of food, but it smells unappealing to mouse and force them to switch to other places, thus an easy natural way to move them out of your lovely secured house. You can place wholesome cloves and place them strategically in your home and if possible, cover them with some cotton clothes. Instead of this you can pour 20-30drops of clove oil in a cotton ball and place them on the place where you suspect that is mice entrance points. Change the ball in 2-3 days as the smell evaporates.

3. Place Kitty Litter

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Wish to know how to remove the mouse from the house? Try Kitty Litter! Mice are scared of the cat, so if they smell a cat is there in that house, they would quickly run out of that house. So, you can place cat litter at the entry point of the house or place you suspect that it enters and see them running away from your home. You can easily get these litters from pet shops or online and easily get rid of these nasty rodents.

4. Pepper Mint Oil

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One of the best home remedies to get rid of mice is Peppermint Oil. You would be a great fan of mint fragrance, but this mouse runs miles as they smell them as it is pretty difficult for them to withstand this great scent. If you want you can plant some mint plants in the garden area and near to entrance and can easily drive away from your home. To use peppermint oil to get rid of mice, you can also put peppermint oil in a cotton ball and place them at entry points of the mouse and easily deter them away.

5. Use Human Traps

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This is another method through which you can catch hold the mouse alive and throw them out of the house. These methods have been used for decades as they work out fantastically. In the market and online you get many traps in which can you insert their favorite food item and leave it and as soon the mice enter it gets entangled into it and then you can reuse it in the future also. Just ensure you should wash it before reusing and again plot a scene to catch hold of these tiny ones. This is the best way to get rid of mice in your house.

6. Sprinkle Ammonia

Ammonia is the most effective way to get rid of mice. The strong smell of ammonia alerts the mouse and they think that this smell is of their predator’s urine and leave that place very fast. In small containers do small homes so that the gas gets released and place some ammonia and place these containers in the path from which the mouse enters. After smelling its strong smell, it would never enter the house again. Just be cautious with kids and pets that they don’t lift these containers.

7. Effective Onions

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Onions are the best way to get rid of mice in the kitchen. Onions have a deadly pungent smell which many pets cannot withstand and they run away and leave your premises. Dice the onions into two pieces and keep them on the places where you suspect the mice entry points. Change the onions in a week as the pungent smells start eroding and watch the mouse leaving your house. This is the most humane way to get rid of mice.

8. Mix of Cocoa Powder and Plaster of Paris

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The mixtures of two work superbly and keep these hazardous mice away from your house.

Take equal quantities of plaster of Paris and cocoa powder or chocolate powder as per the availability. Make a small ball or set the mixture in a place from where the mouse enters. The mouse will get attracted towards chocolate powder and as soon as they eat, they will leave the house in search of water and die very soon also.

9. Spray of Tabasco sauce and Detergent

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Use this powerful spray to get rid of mice which work like magic:

  • Mix three teaspoons of soap detergent with one tablespoon Tabasco sauce with some water and mix it properly and pour it in the spray bottle.
  • Spray on the floor where you suspect his route and after smelling it, would feel comfortable and leave the house easily.

10. Vitamin D-3

Cholecalciferol (vitamin D-3), at high doses, causes the blood calcium levels in mice to rise to toxic levels. This causes kidney damage, bleeding, and heart problems, and will eventually kill the mice.

To effectively use this method, crush 3-4 vitamin D-3 tablets into a powder and mix it with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Place the D-3 laced peanut butter in an area that you’ve seen mice or mouse activity and wait. Mice will flock to it and eat it, and after a sufficient enough amount has been eaten, the increased blood calcium levels will cause calcification in the heart and effectively kill them.

This is also one of the natural remedies that is NOT considered safe for pets and children. Make sure you keep the remedy away from them.

11. Baking Soda Mix

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The baking soda mix is another one of the more effective home remedies to get rid of mice.

The mix consists of one part baking soda and one part flour OR sugar (you don’t have to use both sugar and flour). Mix the baking soda and flour OR sugar together and put it out for the mice near possible entry points or areas that you’ve seen mice or mouse activity.

Once the mice eat it, the baking soda will produce gas in their stomachs causing their insides to bubble up and explode, which eventually kills them.

It’s important to note that you could also just use baking soda (and no flour or sugar), for it’s the baking soda that causes the gas that causes death. However, flour or sugar is recommended because mice have a sweet tooth for both and will gravitate towards the mix even more if it contains one of them.

12. Zinc

Zinc is a fundamental chemical element and one of the best ways to get rid of mice. It is also one of the main ingredients used in commercial rodenticides, so it has been proven to be highly effective at getting rid of mice.

To best use, this remedy, crush a few zinc tablets into a fine powder and mix it with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Zinc is so dangerous for mice because it reacts with the acid in their digestive system to create a toxic phosphine gas that eventually kills them.

These home remedies to get rid of mice can ensure a rodent-free home. However, they cannot guarantee a reentry of mice, unless you take extreme precautions. Make sure to seal all the open gaps or cracks in your walls and ceilings. Call a plumber and get your drainage pipes fixed. The most important aspect that can repel rats from your home is to keep it clean and minimal. Throw away useless stuff and unclog your home to say goodbye to mice!

Style At LifeMouse Trap Guide
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