While every baby is unique, there are certain essential facts that can provide valuable insight into their development and behavior. From the moment of birth to their in-womb cries, these fascinating tidbits will help you better understand and nurture your little bundle of joy. Join us as we delve into ten essential baby facts that every parent should know.
1. The baby doesn’t take its first breath until 10 seconds after delivery.

While that little bundle of joy is still inside the womb, they don’t breathe air like you and me. Instead, they get their oxygen fix through the placenta and umbilical cord. Think of it as the ultimate room service!
The placenta is like a superhero sidekick, delivering oxygen and nutrients straight to the fetus from mom’s bloodstream. Meanwhile, it takes away all the carbon dioxide and waste. Talk about a perfect setup! As the big day arrives and mom is giving birth, the fetus still isn’t breathing air. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the plan! The baby’s lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, and they’re getting all their oxygen from the placenta.
Once the baby is born, they take their first breath — a monumental moment! This is triggered by the sudden change in environment: from cozy womb to the big, bright world. Temperature, pressure, and air exposure all play a part in this incredible transformation. As the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, the baby’s body goes through an amazing transformation. The lungs kick into gear and take over the job of providing oxygen. It’s like switching from a backstage crew to a spotlight performer in an instant!
2. Babies can cry in the womb.

Fetuses are already practicing their vocal cords before they even take their first breath. Researchers have found that fetuses as young as 28 weeks old can exhibit “crying behavior” in response to noises. Using ultrasound imaging, they’ve observed fetuses startling, taking deep breaths, opening their mouths, and even quivering their chins — all telltale signs of a good old-fashioned cry.
But don’t worry, your baby isn’t sad or in pain. Experts say this is just their way of getting ready to communicate with you after birth. Crying is an important survival skill, so it makes sense that babies would start practicing it in the womb.
3. How your chances of conceiving change from 25 to 37.

4. As you get older, your chances of having twins (or even triplets) go up.

5. Older moms often face a higher risk of pregnancy-related complications, which might make cesarean delivery a necessity.

Conditions like high blood pressure can lead to needing a surgical delivery. It’s a common scenario for older mothers, ensuring both mom and baby stay safe. While C-sections are a routine procedure, they come with their own set of challenges. One of the biggest? A longer recovery time compared to natural birth.
6. If you’re having babies later in life, there’s a higher chance of facing complications.

It’s a reality that’s important to understand before starting your family journey! Older moms are more likely to have twins, which can increase the risk of having a baby with a lower birth weight or being born prematurely. These early arrivals might face challenges like breathing problems, learning difficulties, and hearing issues. There’s also a greater risk of chromosomal abnormalities as you age, which can lead to health conditions for your baby.
7. Extreme stress in pregnancy affects your baby’s brain development and future.

Did you know the brain is the very first organ to start forming in the womb? It’s true! But here’s something even more surprising. While short-term stress during pregnancy is generally okay, long-term stress can have some serious effects. Ongoing stress might increase the risk of your child developing ADHD or even depression during their teenage years. Extreme stress for the mom-to-be can affect the baby’s brain development, potentially impacting memory and learning abilities in the future. It’s a big deal! Managing stress during pregnancy is crucial for giving your baby the best start in life. Keeping calm and seeking support can help ensure your little one’s brain develops to its full potential.
8. Avoid raw meat and seafood during pregnancy.

One major rule for a healthy pregnancy? Stay away from raw meat and seafood! Eating these can expose your baby to listeriosis, a serious infection that you definitely want to avoid. It’s not just about what you eat, but also how diverse your diet is. After the fourth month of pregnancy, not eating a variety of foods might lead to having a picky eater down the line. But don’t get tempted to eat everything! While it’s important to offer a range of foods, some foods are best left off your plate. Make smart choices to keep both you and your baby safe and healthy.
9. To help your baby have healthy bones, expose your tummy to the sun.

10. Talk to your bump and your baby will be able to recognize your voice when he or she is born.

Did you know that at the beginning of the third trimester, your baby can actually start to respond to your voice? It’s a super cool milestone in your pregnancy journey! Talking to your baby while they’re still in the womb isn’t just for fun — it’s a fantastic way to stimulate their language development. Your voice helps kickstart their brain development for when they start talking! This is also a wonderful opportunity for you and your partner to create a strong bond with your unborn child. Chatting with your baby now sets the stage for a loving relationship once they’re born.