Life Hacks

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Do you ever clean your car, and then it’s messy again just a couple days later? Let’s checks these 10 Cleaning Hacks to keep your car clean.

Brush Dirt and Grime Out Using a Toothbrush

Removing dirt and grime between the seams is pretty easy if you’re using a toothbrush. Gently brush the dirt and you’ll have a mess-free car seat in a jiffy!

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Condition Your Dashboard with Vaseline

Vaseline works wonderfully at conditioning the dashboard and giving it a nice shine. It’s time-saving, effective and inexpensive.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Dust Your Vent with a Foam Craft Brush

Car air vents can get pretty dusty over time, but those narrow slots make it tough to clean with just a rag. If you need some extra reach, you can make a small sponge brush soaked with some cleaner and that will take care of the job.

10 Cleaning Hacks

Use a Microfiber Mitt to Clean Your Car

To have a lint-free and scratch free car washing experience, consider this microfiber mitt. It’s really handy and holds lots of water for cleaning your car.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Clean Your Windshield and Car Windows with Baby Wipes

Keep your windshield clean and clear by using baby wipes. One wipe surprisingly does a lot of work.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Fix Bad Smells in Your Car’s Air Conditioner with Lysol

If you want to get rid of all the bad smell coming from your air conditioner, then try spraying a Lysol into the air flow inlet. This will make your ride both more pleasant and popular.

10 Cleaning Hacks


Make Sure You Clean Your Windshield’s Interio

So you’re done cleaning your car’s outside, now let’s work on the interior. Improve your windshield visibility by using this microfiber glass wiper. It’s so much better to drive with a clear, undistracted view of everything.

10 Cleaning Hacks

Sprinkle Baking Soda on Your Seats Before Vacuuming

Step up your vacuuming technique with this humble yet super helpful hack. The baking soda can remove bad odors from your car carpets and upholstery.

10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clean

Remove Car Stickers with a Hair Blower

While removing stickers isn’t as easy as putting them on, this hack will make your work less tiresome and sticky. Goodbye unwanted stickers!

10 Cleaning Hacks

Keep Silicone Liners in Your Cup Holders

10 Cleaning Hacks

Gunk and grime can easily get into your cup holders and nobody likes cleaning them out. But just using a couple of silicone liners can keep clean-up super fast and simple.

These tips are seriously time-saving and will help improve your in-car experience.

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