Life Style

Home Essentials You Never Need to Buy Again

source: bobvila

Laundry detergents and cleaners are always on the grocery list. They don’t have to be, though. You can make those necessities at home and never run out.

Laundry Detergent

Laundry detergent isn’t something you can do without, but you don’t have to keep buying it. Instead, make it yourself with just three simple ingredients. Grate a Fels-Naptha bar and combine it with one cup of borax and one cup of washing soda. In a blender or food processor, combine all of the ingredients for several minutes to make a fine powdered consistency that will dissolve easily in water. Store the mixture in an airtight container and use 1 tablespoon for each load of laundry (or 2–3 tablespoons for extra dirty loads).

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Window Cleaner

Cross store-bought window cleaner off your shopping list and make your own with items already in your home. Mix 1/4 cup of vinegar and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol with 2 cups of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle, shake it well, and use it just like any other glass cleaner. For a fresh scent, add about 10 drops of essential oils.

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Dish Soap

Make your own dishwashing liquid and you’ll never have to worry about a sink full of dishes again. In the kitchen, combine 1 tablespoon of borax and 1 tablespoon of grated bar soap (such as Ivory) with 134 cups of boiling water. Allow the mixture to cool for several hours after thoroughly whisking until the soap and borax have melted. Optional: For fragrance, add 10–20 drops of your favorite essential oil. As it cools, the mixture will gel, and you can then pour it into an empty detergent bottle and stash it under the sink until you need it!

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Drain Cleaner

Caustic drain cleaners should not be purchased at a store. You already have everything you need to clean a clogged drain. Pour one cup of baking soda down the drain. Then pour 1/2 cup vinegar down the drain and cover it with a plate. The baking soda and vinegar will foam together, and the plate will keep any bubbles (and gunk) from rising into the sink. Allow the mixture to sit for 30 minutes before flushing it with hot water for several minutes, or until the drain runs clear. This method, when used on a regular basis, acts as a preventative measure against clogs and buildup.

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All-Purpose Cleaner

Pour 1/2 cup vinegar into a spray bottle and add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda for an all-purpose cleaner you can use every day. Fill the bottle halfway with water, then add 10 drops of tea tree oil. Shake it well to combine, and it’s ready to use on your counters, floors, and whatever else needs a freshening up.

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Insecticidal Soap

Protect vulnerable houseplants from soft-bodied insects with homemade insecticidal soap. Simply add a tablespoon of liquid dish soap with a quart of water and put it in a clean spray bottle. Shake it thoroughly before each use and banish bugs for good.

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Air Freshener

There’s no need to waste money on air fresheners. Instead, they are simple and inexpensive to make at home. In a spray bottle, combine 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol with 1-1/2 cups water and 30 drops of your favorite essential oil. Citrus, lavender, and mint oils work well as air fresheners but experiment to create your own unique blend.

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You really can DIY any household cleaner, including personal care items. Take toothpaste, for instance. Make your own by mixing baking soda and water to a paste-like consistency. Then add 1–2 teaspoons of peppermint or cinnamon extract. Your teeth will get clean and your breath will be fresh, for a fraction of the cost of commercial toothpaste.

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Wood Polish

Wood polish may not be something you require on a weekly basis, but when you do, you require it. Make your own by combining equal parts olive oil and vinegar, then adding essential oils to customize the scent. Keep it in a small jar and dab it with a rag as needed. The vinegar will cut through any sticky residue, while the olive oil will moisturize the wood.

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Cleaning Wipes

Cleaning wipes are extremely useful for cleaning small messes or keeping kitchen counters clean. A coffee can and a roll of paper towels can be used to make a DIY version. To fit the roll of towels into the can, cut it with a knife. Then, combine 1/2 cup vinegar, 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol, and 1/4 cup water to make a cleaning solution. Pour the solution over the towels after adding a drop or two of dish soap and your favorite essential oil. Remove the cardboard roll from the center and thread the center towel through the hole you made in the top of the coffee can. Then, whenever you need one, simply reach for a wipe.

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Dryer Sheets

If you want to avoid paying for the fresh-out-of-the-laundry scent that commercial dryer sheets leave behind, make your own with cloth wipes, vinegar, and essential oils. Combine a cup of vinegar and 25–30 drops of your favorite essential oils in a mixing bowl. Put some cloth wipes in a jar and pour the solution over them so that they are moist but not soaked. Then, with each load of laundry, toss a cloth in the dryer. Although the vinegar will evaporate, the essential oils will linger and leave your clothes smelling clean and fresh.


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