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9 Bad Cooking Habits That Are Wrecking Your Fish

Cooking fish is quick and easy – but it’s delicate. Are you going to make fish for dinner? Be sure that you won’t make the following mistakes.

1. You Don’t Check the Fish Thoroughly When Buying

check fish

Start with the eyes. A whole fish should have a clear, bright eye (not a clouded, murky one). Fresh fish flesh is firm and bounces back when you press into it, and especially it should not smell “fishy.” It should smell like the ocean. A “fishy” smell means that fats inside the fish have begun to oxidize, a sign of decay and age.

2. You Don’t Check for Bones

fish bones

Surprise! Even fish labeled as boneless still sometimes have tiny bones. And getting one caught in your throat is a surefire way to ruin your dinner.

Before doing anything else to prep your fish, use your fingers to feel for any rogue bones (sorry, a visual check isn’t always thorough enough).

3. You Put Too Much Salt in Your Marinade

cooking fish 1

Salt is essential for flavoring your fish, but it’s also really good at breaking down protein and drawing out moisture. Let your fillet sit in a too-salty marinade, and it’ll likely end up mushy and dry instead of firm and moist. Instead, add just a pinch of salt to the marinade, and add the rest of the seasoning right before putting the fish in the pan.

4. You Don’t Pat the Fish Dry

Dont Pat the Fish Dry

Want your fish to have a crisp, golden crust? Of course, you do. If the surface of your fillet is wet, it’ll steam—rather than sear—in the pan. So do yourself a favor and pat your fillet dry with a kitchen towel before you cook it.

5. You Thaw Incorrectly

Thawing at room temperature or with hot water provides ample opportunity for bacteria to grow. Instead, thaw fish for four to five hours in the refrigerator. If you need to thaw quickly, seal it in a zip-top bag and place it in a bowl filled with very cold water.

6. You Don’t Get the Pan Hot Enough

get the pan hot enough

The whole reason you decided to make fish for dinner was that it cooks so fast. But you’ve got to be patient and let that pan get good and hot (the oil should be shimmering but not smoking) before you start cooking. A too-cool pan won’t just cause your fish to cook unevenly—it’ll probably cause it to stick.

7. You Don’t Cook the Skin Side First

cooking fish

Starting the fish skin-side-up doesn’t seem like it should matter that much. But it does—a lot. The first side of your fillet tends to cook longer than the second side, and the thick, fatty skin helps protect the delicate flesh. Don’t actually want to eat the skin? That’s fine. You can peel it off after the fish is cooked.

8. You Kept Messing with It While it Cooked

messing fish

There’s no need to keep flipping or prodding at your fish while it sears. In fact, trying to flip a fillet before the bottom side is cooked will only make it stick and tear. Let the first side cook until it releases evenly, flip it once until the second side does the same, and then stop.

9. You Cook the Fish for Too Long

cooking fish too long

Overcooking is the most common mistake most people make when they cook fish. It’s also the worst since fish that’s left in the pan too long turns tough, dry, and tasteless. Cook times vary for different types of fish, but in general, you want to stay in the range of 3 to 5 minutes per side.

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