Life Style

Easy Ways To Remove Cigarette Smell From Your Home

There are many air fresheners that claim to remove the cigarette smell but they only mask the odor and after some time, it comes back. Here we will share some guidance so that you can get the cigarette smell out of the house. These tips will help you to refine the air of your home. Sometimes one method or the combination of several techniques are needed to consume to remove the smell.

1. Proper Air Circulation

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Keep the doors and windows open as long as the weather is suitable. Proper ventilation ensures air circulation that removes bad odor from the house. You can use a fan to blow air from outside to outside. Switch on the exhaust blower in the bathroom and kitchen. You can operate an air purifier with a HEPA filter that will capture all the molecules that cause odor. If the house has less cigarette smell this air filtration process will be the easiest way to remove smoky odor.

Put the smoke-ridden clothes and furniture in a bright place for a few hours. The UV rays neutralize odors and kill bacteria. But excessive sunlight can fade the clothes and furniture varnish so keep them in a shady spot but make sure enough sunlight.

2. Wash all fabric

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Fabric materials quickly penetrate the cigarette smoke, and it feels disgusting. The most effective way is to wash all fabric items: clothes, curtains, covers, pillows, linens, and everything of fabric. Choose a sunny day and wash these items. But remember, you should also work with the smoky air. While you bring the clothes to a smoke room, they will absorb the smell.

3. Baking soda

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Baking soda is an excellent deodorizer that has been widely used for odor elimination. It swallows a smoky smell. You can use it in several ways. First, fill some small bowls with baking soda and place them on heavy smoky spots like cars, bedrooms, and living rooms. Leave them for two days and the smell will disappear.

Then sprinkle baking soda on carpet, rugs, upholstery, and chairs. The thin layer of baking soda will absorb the smell. Leave the baking soda at least 24 hours on the places, then vacuum it up.

Some items like books and decor items can not be washed. For these items, take a large sealed bag and pour a cup of baking soda. Put all the smoke-ridden items into the bag and shut the bag for 10 hours. Then bring out the stuff, give a good shake to get off the powder.

4. Vinegar

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White vinegar is the best nontoxic remedy that neutralizes cigarette smell. This household staple doesn’t mask the odor, it fully eliminates bad odors. Vinegar has low pH molecules that diminish the cigarette high smoke molecule. Though vinegar has its own strong smell, it will soon fade once dried.

The applying process is similar to the baking soda technique. Take white vinegar in small bowls and keep them in a room or car. Leave the bowls overnight to set. You can also apply the steaming process. In a pot boil, vinegar and steam will mix with air and absorb the smoke smell. It will take nearly one or two hours.

If your clothes have a cigarette smell, then add half a cup of vinegar with laundry detergent. The acidic vinegar will help to neutralize the odor.

5. Charcoal

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Active carbon is a great way to trap cigarette smell. It cleans the air effectively. You will get packaged charcoal in fabric or burlap bags in many home improvement stores that are labeled as a smoke eliminator.

However, you can make your own charcoal bags. Purchase some activated carbon and put them in a fabric bag. Hand it on the wall of a smoky room, smoke-damaged carpeting.

6. Steam cleaning

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Steam cleaning is beneficial to remove smoke smell from the walls, floors, upholstery, and air. Professional cleaners use steaming machines to remove odor from the house and they also provide rent service. But you can apply the simple and easiest way to deodorize without hiring or renting professionals. Boil potful water and mix vanilla extract, citrus fruits, or essential oils. Boil it for 1 hour and let the steam travel through your room.

7. Scented candle

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Many people use the candle for home decor but it is also effective to eliminate cigarette smell out of the house. Perfumed and scented candles mask the cigarette smell. If you need to instant odor removing way then you can light a candle with your favorite fragrance. Cedarwood and Vanilla are very traditional fragrances but you can choose yours. But never let the candle burn when you are not at home.

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